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· 9 min read
Ash Pearson

Have you ever gotten to the end of your very busy working day, felt exhausted yet still felt like you haven’t really achieved much? Do you feel like you could have moved the business needle 1% further and generally been more productive?

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. It’s very common to feel like you are working hard in certain roles when in fact you are procrastinating on easy-to-complete tasks, repetitive motions, and low-priority actions.

The danger of doing this over the long term is clear: you risk your position at your job and face a performance review or worse. Plus that feeling of not being productive enough at work can also have an impact on your mental health.

Thankfully, this is generally a pretty simple thing to fix – the challenge is your willpower to overcome the temptations of procrastination and tasks that take time out of your working day, are easy to complete, and tick off the to-do list for that additional dopamine rush, but don’t really help the business to move forward.

Moving the business forward is the best way to showcase your abilities to your management, meaning more opportunities for a pay rise or even a promotion. More money doesn’t mean everything but it sure does enable you to do more things that make you happy.

So let’s dive into a few ways you can make sure you are working on the right thing.

the one thing

Focus on ‘The One Thing’

As Gary Keller says in his New York Times Bestselling book ‘The One Thing’, a key way to ensure you are being productive and not just busy is to ask yourself a simple question each day: What is the one thing you can work on that will make everything else easier, or even unnecessary.

What’s that number one priority, the big task or project that you can focus all your attention on that will have the biggest impact on the business you work for? If you were to focus your attention on that one thing, would it mean other tasks not being completed do not matter as much? Would the positive impact created by your focused work on the “big thing” help you keep your boss happy? It’s worth asking yourself these questions on a regular basis.

Check out our dedicated blog post about 'The One Thing' here.

Saying no even when it’s hard

Don’t get me wrong – being the person who ‘gets sht done’ is really important. But you can’t get everyone’s sht done. If you are being asked to take on a new task that will take you away from the high-priority thing you are already working on – ask yourself if it’s worth saying ‘no’ to this request. It can be difficult and even sometimes cause tension but trying to keep everyone else happy will usually lead to slacking on everything. That means nobody will be happy – especially you.

saying no

Planning your day and priorities

This brings us to the next important step. Planning your day is key for productivity. If you go to work and start working on the thing that comes up first on your to-do list, you risk ending the day without making any real progress. If you commute into work consider spending some time going through your pending tasks and pick no more than three items that are your must-dos for that day.

It’s likely those tasks won’t be completed in one day so by having three items on your priority list, you can work on the first one, make progress, and then whilst you are waiting for sign-off or someone to come back to you so you can progress it further, switch to the second most important task.

Does this risk you not progressing with other items on your to-do list? Yes! But the whole point is those items shouldn’t be the top priority right now. Plus on a lot of occasions, you’ll progress enough on the three top priorities that towards the end of the day you’ll have some to catch up on some lower-priority tasks.

Imagine how productive you’ll feel on the way home knowing you progressed your top 3 priorities that day as well as ticked off a few other things from the backlog. You’ll sleep well that night!

daily planner

Structuring and timeboxing your day

Another tactic you can consider to prioritize your productivity is bringing structure and timeboxing to your day. There are plenty of calendar options you can use to make this possible and the popular to-do platform Todoist also recently launched their calendar view.

This approach can be really powerful if you are in a role with lots of meetings because you can create needed structure in the breaks between your meetings. For example, if you have a meeting at 9 am and 11 am you can book 10 am-11 am as a time to work on your #1 priority task. Then the other gap you have you can work on your #2 and #3 priorities as suggested above. And then if any other spare slots remain, that’s where you can reserve time for your lower priority items.

And of course – don’t forget to timebox in a couple of short breaks and lunch breaks in there. You need to refresh your body and mind to avoid burnout. Working more and more hours won’t necessarily make you more productive.

Creating this timeboxed structure holds you to account throughout the day, can trigger notifications, keep you on track, and ensure you are attending all your meetings as well as progressing your high-priority projects. Now that sounds like a productive day!

Constantly prioritize

It’s important to remember that your priorities can and will change. It’s therefore vital you constantly ask yourself whether you are still working on the top priorities.

Has something new come in that should take priority and knock something else off the top list? Difficult decisions come with the territory and sometimes it means someone along the long will be disappointed. But as long as you have the data to back up your decision-making process and show your prioritization helped move the business forward, you should be rewarded and not punished. If you find this isn’t working and you are being criticized for that prioritization, you need to ask yourself if it’s a ‘you’ problem or an issue with the company you work at...

Reward the productivity

Life isn’t all about work, work, work. I’ve mentioned above about taking regular breaks and ensuring your well-being is looked after – which in a way is a reward in itself. But some people are driven to be ultra productive knowing a reward is in sight for them.

It works in a wide range of scenarios. Look at a sales exec – they know if they put in the hours and hard work to get a new client over the line, they'll be rewarded with a healthy commission payment. That drives salespeople to do the best they can in their role.

If you feel like you have a similar mentality then you can set up rewards for when things are achieved. Such as the completion of a high-priority project on your to-do list being rewarded with that video game you wanted to buy or if it’s big enough, booking that holiday you want to go on with your family.

Tying rewards to the work and projects you need to do can help keep you focused on the work that matters, as in your mind you know you won’t be ‘rewarded’ for the work you do on lower priority items. Rewards are unique to you as a person so sit down and spend some time thinking about what these rewards might be as they’ll likely be quite different to somebody else’s choices.

work with rewards

Productivity platforms such as Habitica also have this feature built-in. On Habitica specifically, it’s a column within your workspace where you can set up custom rewards. You then use the coins you earned from completing tasks to “buy” those rewards. This works well to gamify productivity but be careful you don’t fall into the trap of completing lots of easy tasks to earn coins to then redeem for a reward. This creates a dopamine rush for you because you are getting a sense of completion from ticking off tasks and choosing a reward for doing so, but you won’t be moving that company needle and therefore not really being that productive – just busy.

Find work-life balance

Finally, the most important thing to remember is that it’s not all about work. Over the years I’ve met many self-diagnosed ‘workaholics’ who put in huge stints at the cost of quality time with their family. But in reality, I’ve seen them struggling more at work due to the insurmountable amount of pressure they put on themselves, in addition to family issues at home because they are harming those relationships by never being there – or worse yet being there but not really being ‘present’ as they are engulfed in their work email on their phone the entire time.

work life balance

Finding balance enables you to keep a clear, happy mind. This can really have a positive effect on your ability to focus at work. When you return to work after a nice vacation, you tend to feel a little blue, but when it comes to making decisions and getting sh*t done, you tend to be a lot more productive and successful in doing so. Balance is key.

And that clear mind enables you to have better clarity on what the most important tasks and projects are, to ensure you are as productive as you can possibly be.

· 2 min read
Martijn Smit

I'm excited to announce the release of version 2.0 of our Stream Deck plugin for WhatPulse. This update brings a new action called Profile toggle designed to streamline your time and stats tracking workflow.

The centerpiece of this release is the integration with WhatPulse Profiles. Now, you can toggle profiles on and off directly from your Stream Deck, making it easier than ever to track time across different projects. Whether you're a student juggling multiple assignments, a freelancer managing various client projects, or simply someone looking to better understand how you spend your time on the computer, this new action offers a practical solution.

With version 2.0, you'll be able to:

  • Start and stop time tracking for specific projects with a single button press
  • Quickly switch between different profiles as you change tasks
  • See which profile is currently active thanks to visual feedback on your Stream Deck

With the new profile toggle feature, all of this is now possible directly from your Stream Deck. The button lights up when a profile is active, giving you instant visual confirmation of your current tracking status.

stream deck with WhatPulse actions

But that's not all the plugin offers. You can also:

  • Display various WhatPulse statistics right on your Stream Deck
  • Open the WhatPulse window with a single tap
  • Trigger a manual pulse whenever you want

Version 2.0 of the WhatPulse Stream Deck plugin is all about giving you more control and visibility over your productivity tracking. It's the perfect companion for anyone serious about understanding and optimizing their computer usage. Head over to our Help Center for detailed instructions on how to install and set up the latest version of the WhatPulse Stream Deck plugin.

Don't have a Stream Deck yet? This might just be the perfect excuse to get one. 😉

Happy tracking!

· 7 min read
Ash Pearson

No matter how productive and successful we are at work, we all have those moments where procrastination rears its nasty head and tempts you into the realms of doom-scrolling or simply focusing on a task that gives you a dopamine fix but doesn't really push the business needle forward.

If you are the kind of person who is motivated by gaming, or the dopamine fixes provided by gamification, then you may find gamifying your high-priority tasks can make work more fun, and let you leave the office at the end of the day feeling like you've made great progress – and that feeling can be invaluable.

WhatPulse Gamification

WhatPulse has a range of different ways to help you gamify your productivity at work. The software itself tracks how many keys you type, so simply by doing your work you are contributing towards your online profile and climbing those global leaderboards. This alone could give you the motivation to type more and complete that task you've been putting off because that progress converts into WhatPulse progress.

In addition to this, you can enable the WhatPulse Geek Window to get a live snapshot of how your day is going. There are Geek Window options to show not only your overall rankings and progress but also how much you have progressed today. You could have a Geek Window open that shows your current global ranking for keystrokes and how many keys you have typed today so far. You can then give yourself a daily goal based on something that is achievable but means you have done a considerable amount of work, and that can give you the additional motivation to type just one more email or finish one more report so you hit that 50,000 keys daily target! The more often you hit your daily goal, the quicker you'll climb up those global rankings, too.

You can also set up Milestones within the WhatPulse client which notify you when you reach it, for example when you reach 1,000,000 keystrokes. This can provide you with an additional sense of achievement.

adding milestones

You can join the WhatPulse Discord to join a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy increasing the statistics and hold yourself accountable for achieving a certain threshold per day or per week. The community can then keep you motivated and this social gamification can help you to achieve more at work as you'll have a sense of not wanting to let people down. It's powerful and holding yourself publicly and socially accountable in this way can also be a powerful way to overcome certain addictions and procrastination issues. The WhatPulse Weekly Report is also a great way to compete with yourself week-on-week. Did you manage to type more this week than last week? The report will show you the difference between the week for your stats and rankings, giving you the opportunity to constantly challenge yourself.

Finally, WhatPulse has a range of achievement badges you can unlock while progressing your various statistics. Every key you type and click with your mouse gets you one step closer to unlocking your next achievement badge to proudly show off on your WhatPulse profile.

Timers & Rewards

Clever use of timers and rewards can be a great way to gamify your productivity and make work more fun. Power hours are a classic way to focus in on what needs to be done for a full 60 minutes, and the reward can be something as simple as a cup of coffee or a chocolate bar.

If the power hour seems a bit too long for you to remain focused, then other techniques may work well for you. The popular Pomodoro technique sees you work in 25-minute intervals followed by a 5-minute break. You repeat this 3-4 times and then take a longer break for around 30 minutes. This can help keep your focus heightened and allows you to save those procrastinating moments for the break time at the correct time without interrupting your flow.

pomodoro technique

Generally just having regular breaks can help to avoid burnout, so something like a mid-morning snack (which is often referred to as ‘elevensies') can help break up the first half of the day before lunch and then something similar in the afternoon. Looking forward to those break times set in stone can help you stay motivated until those times, resulting in increased productivity.

If you think you can get away with it at your job then there is also the so-called 30/30 approach. This simply means doing 30 minutes of focused work and then taking a 30-minute break to do something non-work related. We don't think this works for all types of projects you may be working on and your boss may not take too kindly to you having a break every half hour! But it's reported that this method can keep the mind fresh and help to spur on more creative thinking and reduce brain fog.

Gamified Task Managers

There are many different task managers available now on the market. Some are mobile-first and others work best when you are using alongside a desktop PC all day. A trend that has been growing over the last few years is a rise in ‘gamified' task managers or at least gamification within an existing app.

Some examples of task managers that have gamification built in as a feature include Todoist with their Karma points which you earn by creating and completing tasks and generally engaging with the app.

However, some other task managers allow for a full-on gamified experience. The aim of these is to make ticking off tasks from your to-do list more rewarding and fun, which in turn could be the motivation you need to complete more work and be more productive.

gamified task manager

One of the top examples of a gamified task manager is Habitica which is an RPG that levels up your character and unlocks new gear and weapons thanks to the tasks you mark as complete. You can also set up habits that are a bit different to tasks and help keep yourself accountable for the good habits you want to do more of and the bad habits you want to eliminate.

Whilst Habitica does have a mobile app it is a desktop/web-based focused application. So if you are primarily on your phone for your task management, you may want to look into an alternative such as LifeUp or Do It Now which are both highly rated and popular options available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Challenge your colleagues

Finally, if you are someone who is of a competitive nature and motivated by winning, then you could challenge your colleagues in a fun way to see who can be the most productive. This could be who ticks off the most tasks this week on their task manager, with a beer being the prize. Or it could be both of you having an account on a gamified tool like Habitica and seeing who can get to the highest level. For some people, being able to compete against someone they know well and spend lots of time with can help keep you both accountable and highly motivated.

But tread carefully. Some people do not take well to others who have a competitive spirit and may feel alienated by someone trying to achieve more and potentially make them look bad in front of their boss. So be careful with who you choose to challenge should you wish to take this route to competitive productivity.

What are some of your favorite ways to gamify productivity and do more at work? Let us know on X/twitter or Discord!

· 5 min read
Martijn Smit
Ash Pearson

Hi 👋

Introducing a feature we've been working on for quite some time: WhatPulse Profiles! 🎉

That's right - Premium members can now create Profiles from within WhatPulse version 5.8 letting you group together your stats depending on who, or what you are working on.

For example, you can create separate profiles for your gaming time to see how much WASD keysmashing you're doing, and then switch to a profile to track your time and statistics related to a client you are delivering work for.


Once you are done with your profile-related tracking, simply switch back to the 'General' profile to monitor your overall statistics.

Whether you are a professional, gamer or student - WhatPulse Profiles give you the power to segment your own personas and keep better track of those unique statistics.

Managing Profiles

It's nice and easy to manage Profiles from within WhatPulse from the Settings tab and navigating to the Profiles section. Here's how:

Once they've been set up, the Profiles can then be activated and deactivated from the tray icon menu, making it quick and easy to switch between profiles or turn them off completely.

Once you've tracked stats related to your different Profiles for a while, you can filter and segment these statistics for the ultimate deep-dive analysis - just select the profile in the top-right drop-down from any page within the WhatPulse client that already shows statistics.

More powerful statistics - including the powerful 'Time Used' - are all accessible and configurable from your private WhatPulse Dashboard on our website.

Profile Reports in Weekly Updates

Every Monday, you can get a weekly update report in your inbox showing how you (and your friends) did in the last week. When you start using Profiles, a report on the time and effort you spent on them is automatically added to your weekly update. Know how much time you've spent on projects, directly from your inbox.

Stream Deck Plugin and Automation

If you're not familiar with Stream Deck, it's a customizable physical control pad that allows you to automate tasks and control various applications with physical buttons. There's been a WhatPulse plugin for Stream Deck for a while, allowing you to display real-time stats on the Stream Deck.

With this update, we've even made it easy to physically toggle between Profiles using the buttons on your Stream Deck thanks to some nifty new additions to the WhatPulse Stream Deck plugin. For even more flexibility, you can integrate automation to activate and deactivate profiles using the Client API.

Help Articles and More Information

We have plenty more information on how to do things such as creating or deleting Profiles and generally making the most out of our new Profiles feature on our Help Center:

Remember, WhatPulse Profiles are available exclusively to our Premium members. If you are not yet subscribed, you can learn more here about Premium and its advanced statistics.

We're really excited to see how our members make use of this long-awaited feature and we welcome any questions or feedback via our Discord server or X profile!

Start a Free Premium Trial

If you're not a Premium member yet, you can experience what Profiles have to offer by starting a free trial. Even if you've had a trial period in the past.

Start Free Premium Trial

More Updates in WhatPulse v5.8

Profiles isn't the only new or updated thing in WhatPulse v5.8. Here's a quick overview of all the other changes:

🎉 New Features

  • To improve developer experience, we added an OpenAPI specification to the Client API, and is now using Swagger UI.
  • Windows: Add an option to install for all users on the computer.

📈 Improvements

  • Added a feedback notification when settings are saved, so you're 💯 sure they are saved.
  • macOS: Improve network interface detection. Sometimes with computers with multiple interfaces, the last interface wasn't detected properly.
  • macOS: Updated the Apple computers model database to recognize the newer models.
  • Be more verbose about why connections are rejected from the client API in the HTTP responses. Also, add the dual stack localhost address by default (::ffff:

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix translating dates inside the facts.
  • Make sure all updating the Geek Window transparency has immediate effect on all Windows versions, there were some versions where this didn't work and you had to restart WhatPulse for the transparency to take effect.
  • Prevent the real-time network traffic graph to draw funky backtracking lines by clearing the data when it's not being updated, or the chart united (bits vs bytes) are changed.
  • Windows: Fixed application metadata discovery (version, vendor, etc.) on some Windows versions.
  • When ignoring an application in the uptime tab, the client asked whether you wanted to reset the Geek Window to its defaults. This fixes that misplaced message.
  • Skip npcap installation when WhatPulse is being installed via the command-line. Otherwise it would still pop up a GUI for the NPcap installer.

· 5 min read
Martijn Smit

In a world buzzing with distractions, notifications, and tasks competing for your attention, distinguishing what truly matters can feel like an insurmountable challenge. If you're a productivity enthusiast or someone perpetually drowning in a sea of to-dos, fear not! The solution lies in simplifying your approach. Welcome to the philosophy of focusing on 'one-thing' per day. By leveraging this method, not only will you boost your productivity, but you'll also gain deeper insights into the metrics that truly matter in your quest for efficiency.

The Paradox of Choice

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of the 'one-thing' productivity method, let's address a common productivity pitfall: the paradox of choice. In theory, having a myriad of options should make us happier. But in reality, it often leaves us overwhelmed. The constant juggle between tasks dilutes our focus and impacts the quality of our output.

featured image

Barry Schwartz, author of "The Paradox of Choice", posits that too many choices can paralyze rather than empower. If you're scrolling through an endless task list, your brain is more likely to short-circuit than streamline. The solution? Mindful elimination. By homing in on a single important task daily, we reduce decision fatigue, thereby enhancing our overall productivity and sense of accomplishment.

The Power of Prioritization

The concept of prioritization can be traced back to the Pareto Principle, often referred to as the 80/20 Rule. According to this principle, 80% of results come from 20% of your activities. For productivity geeks, this implies that a handful of high-impact tasks yield the majority of your results.

Laura Vanderkam, productivity expert and author, emphasizes the importance of identifying these high-leverage activities. But how do you pinpoint them?

  1. Identify Your Core Goals: What are you aiming to achieve, both in the short and long term? Clarity of purpose enables better prioritization.

  2. Analyze Past Performance: Tools like WhatPulse can help. Monitor your keyboard and mouse usage to identify patterns in productivity. Are certain activities yielding higher productivity spikes? Focus on those.

  3. Time Budgeting: Allocate blocks of time for these high-priority tasks. Use the Pomodoro Technique to stay disciplined.

The 'One-Thing' Focus

Now, let's zoom in on the crux of this productivity strategy: focusing on one key task per day. This concept, popularized by Gary Keller in his book "The ONE Thing", advocates that focusing on the singular task that makes other tasks easier or unnecessary is the key to moving mountains in your personal and professional life.

How to Implement This

  1. Daily Reflection: Each day, take a few moments to reflect on what task will have the most significant impact. This reflection should take place preferably the night before or first thing in the morning.

  2. Set Clear Objectives: Define what success looks like for the day. This clarity acts as a compass, steering you towards meaningful progress.

  3. Break It Down: Split the 'one-thing' into manageable chunks. Let's say your task is to write a blog post—ahem—break it into an outline, first draft, editing, and final review phases.

  4. Eliminate Distractions: Close those ubiquitous social media tabs. Silence non-essential notifications. According to productivity studies, these disruptions can cost you up to 23 minutes to regain focus.

  5. Track Progress: Tools like WhatPulse can quantify your activity and keep you accountable. Seeing your stats can be an excellent motivator.

  6. Review and Adjust: At the end of the day, evaluate your performance. Did you achieve your 'one-thing'? If not, what impediments stood in your way? This iterative process allows you to refine your approach continually.

Leveraging Technology

In this digitized era, manual tracking feels like cooking a gourmet meal using a caveman’s toolkit. Enter WhatPulse, an indispensable companion for any productivity aficionado. WhatPulse offers detailed insights into application usage, allowing you to analyze where and how your time is being spent.

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics

Maximizing WhatPulse for 'One-Thing':

  • Actionable Insights: Identify periods of peak productivity. Aim to schedule your 'one-thing' during these windows.
  • Reduction of Redundancies: Track unnecessary clicks or keystrokes to simplify your workflow.
  • Comparative Analysis: Measure your performance on 'one-thing' days versus multi-tasking days. The metrics will speak for themselves—focus trumps frenzy.

Continuous Improvement

The 'one-thing' philosophy isn't a set-it-and-forget-it solution. It requires ongoing commitment and refinement.

  • Kaizen Approach: Originally a Japanese business philosophy, Kaizen focuses on continuous improvement. Implement small, incremental changes to make your 'one-thing' focus more effective over time.
  • Feedback Loop: Engage with peers, mentors, or even productivity forums. External perspectives can offer invaluable input and shed light on blind spots.
  • Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or deep work sessions. These techniques enhance focus and mitigate the risk of burnout.

The Road to Mastery

Mastering productivity is akin to mastering an instrument—practice, feedback, and persistence are non-negotiable. The 'one-thing' method simplifies this journey, granting you the cognitive liberty to focus on what truly matters. For those obsessed with numbers and optimization, the quantifiable metrics provided by WhatPulse can transform your productivity strategy into a data-driven masterpiece.

You don't have to climb Mount Everest to feel accomplished. Sometimes, the vista from a well-climbed hill can be equally satisfying. Remember, meaningful productivity isn't about doing more; it's about doing what matters most.