Application Enthusiast
Application Ideator
Centennial Pulser
Clicks Centurion
Clicks Titan
Connector Extraordinaire
Decade Dominator
Earth Ambassador
Elite Enthusiast
First Mile
Keyboard Conqueror
Keys Mastermind
Legendary Uptime
Lunar Explorer
Martian Explorer
Master of Languages
Million Click Maestro
Million Key Maverick
Month Magician
Moon Rocketeer
Mouse Marathoner
Petabyte Pioneer ⬆️
Petabyte Pioneer ⬇️
Pulse Pioneer
Referral Guru
Speedway Strider
Sticking with it!
Terabyte Centurion ⬆️
Terabyte Centurion ⬇️
Terabyte Tinkerer ⬆️
Terabyte Tornado ⬇️
Thirty-day Pulse Streak
Wandering Wanderer
Week Warrior
Year Hunter