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Add Milestones

A Milestone is a customisable alert within WhatPulse. You can use it to remind yourself to take a break every 60 minutes, or reward yourself with a cup of coffee every 5000 keys you type.

The Milestones can be found on the Settings tab almost on the bottom of the settings. Here's an example:


To add a new milestone, follow the steps below:

  1. Browse to the Milestones settings page. You can click on the Milestones button on the left, or scroll down.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Double click on the name of the new line item (so double click on "Milestone Name") and give it a name.
  4. Select the type of statistic on which you want to trigger this milestone from the dropdown box.
  5. Double click on the "Amount" and fill out the amount of the statistics you'd like to have this milestone trigger on.
  6. Optionally, click on the message icon (see the arrow in the above image) to enter a custom message.

That's all you need to set up your milestones!

Note: Currently these milestones are only local to your computer, they are not synchronised to the website.