Sparky15756, or simply known as Sparky, registered on WhatPulse on 2009-02-06. Since then, Sparky has typed 187,206,731 keys; clicked his mouse 17,136,801 times; downloaded 22.51TB and uploaded 1.28TB on several computers, if you can believe any of that!
Sparky lives in United Kingdom, in the city of Liverpool. You can find him on Twitter as @Sparky15756, which is where you can commonly find him. He's also part of the The Furry Fandom team - where he is currently ranked 1st in terms of most keystrokes.
He's also on Last.FM and you can see his widely spread music library, as he listens to music throughout each day; Check out his Last.FM profile!
WhatPulse showcases Sparky15756's love for typing, as evidenced by the high keystroke count, and one day Sparky will be in the top 100 keystrokers on WhatPulse