My name is Stephen Deacon and I joined on 2005-07-04, I live in Canada, and I am a proud member of the team n/a The teams ID is n/a. I joined WhatPulse 19y27w5d13h51m25s ago.
Additional Info:
I currently have 3 websites that I am working on that help me with me key counts, as well as a few games, and helping out in the LCPD:FR forum.
I last pulsed 7,020 keys and 2,774 clicks at 2021-07-24 07:01. In a total of 4,840 Pulses I have a total of 41,895,926 recorded keys and 16,269,939 recorded clicks and %TotalMiles% recorded miles.
I am currently ranked 2,883rd place overall and my country is in 5th place and I am in n/a place in my team.
After 4,840 pulses I have got the following averages.