This team has 3 members, which have accumulated 49,656,476 keys, 55,903,356 clicks, 3,379,856 scrolls, 392.093mi mouse distance, downloaded 74.70TB, uploaded 3.99TB and have run WhatPulse for a total of 8y24w4d17h26m53s.
Keys: 669th
Clicks: 260th
Mouse Scrolls: 4,350th
Mouse Distance: 3,469th
Download: 174th
Upload: 579th
Uptime: 442nd
Rank | Username | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime | Last Pulse |
1 | Alinour | 38,875,231 | 43,899,975 | 2,849,797 | 326.648mi | 59.63TB | 2.51TB | 4y46w20h56m14s | 2024-12-27 |
2 | StoneOfThePath | 6,818,847 | 4,909,770 | 530,059 | 65.445mi | 5.04TB | 395.63GB | 1y12w3d3h35m11s | 2024-08-01 |
3 | thege245 | 3,962,398 | 7,093,611 | 0 | None | 10.03TB | 1.10TB | 2y18w1d16h55m28s | 2019-11-24 |
Name | Members | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |
No subteams |