This team has 2 members, which have accumulated 69,457,647 keys, 36,200,290 clicks, 9,771,786 scrolls, 247.716mi mouse distance, downloaded 124.29TB, uploaded 13.73TB and have run WhatPulse for a total of 9y25w20h14m4s.
Keys: 489th
Clicks: 424th
Mouse Scrolls: 1,011th
Mouse Distance: 6,300th
Download: 97th
Upload: 313th
Uptime: 392nd
Rank | Username | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime | Last Pulse |
1 | Zain15 | 54,693,470 | 30,057,794 | 6,718,837 | 199.085mi | 103.13TB | 11.25TB | 6y49w4d1h24m13s | 2024-12-13 |
2 | amirthetypingking | 14,764,177 | 6,142,496 | 3,052,949 | 48.631mi | 21.16TB | 2.48TB | 2y27w4d18h49m51s | 2024-12-21 |
Name | Members | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |
No subteams |