nicola! has registered a WhatPulse account on 2022-07-29. Since then, nicola! has typed 5,534,267 keys, clicked their mouse 1,936,815 times, scrolled 2,016,731 times, moved their mouse 223.454mi, downloaded 4.10TB, uploaded 387.38GB and has run the WhatPulse client for 33 weeks, 4 hours, 35 minutes, 33 seconds.
nicola! lives in United States. This user is in team null.
Total Pulses: 1,200
Last Pulse: 2024-12-21 02:37
Average keys p/s: 0.07
Average clicks p/s: 0.03
Referrals: 0
Keys: 34,630th
Clicks: 49,711th
Mouse Scrolls: 6,260th
Mouse Distance: 5,597th
Download: 14,663rd
Upload: 22,014th
Uptime: 33,117th
Computer Name | OS | Pulses | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |
Time | Computer | OS | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |