The user jamescoolman2 is rank 5,191st and has gathered..
29,656,441 Keys, 13,346,725 Mouse clicks and Traveled %TotalMiles% miles.
Since 2007-07-13 which was 17y23w6d16h53m16s
Currently camping in Australia
Country Rank: Australia, 7th
Gamming with Black Ribbon
With team ID 13021
Team Rank, 1st
Average Keys and Clicks Per Sec.
0.05 / 0.02
Average Keys and Clicks Per Min.
3.23 / 1.45
Average Keys and Clicks Per Hour.
193.9 / 87.26
Total Pulses: 1,120!!
Average Keys Per Pulse: 26,479!!
Average Clicks Per Pulse: 11,917!!
jamescoolman2\'s Last pulse was 2012-07-06 16:36 and sent.. 3,059,954 keys & 1,325,041 Clicks