Amidst the chaos of the Vietnam War, John Voss and a small team of mercenaries are sent into the heart of the jungle to extract a wealthy American businessman. When the team is ambushed, Voss is the sole survivor, forced to escape the jungle and return home to his family. Fifteen years later, Voss is contacted again by the same businessman, now living in a small town in Montana. The businessman has been taken hostage by a fanatical doomsday cult, and Voss is the only one who can save him.
Far Cry 5 is an open-world action shooter set in the fictional Hope County, Montana. Players take on the role of Hope County's Sheriff's Deputy and must work together with the town's residents to liberate the county from the despotic doomsday cult. The game features a variety of weapons, vehicles, and wildlife to help players navigate the open world. The game also includes a co-operative multiplayer mode in which players can team up to take on the cult together.
Version | OS | Last Seen |
1, 0, 0, 0 | 2018-03-16 |
Rank | User | Time Used | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance |