YunaZ has registered a WhatPulse account on 2024-09-13. Since then, YunaZ has typed 1,452,108 keys, clicked their mouse 487,283 times, scrolled 276,523 times, moved their mouse 41.687mi, downloaded 666.13GB, uploaded 62.86GB and has run the WhatPulse client for 4 weeks, 2 days, 6 hours, 55 minutes, 5 seconds.
YunaZ lives in Colombia.
Total Pulses: 115
Last Pulse: 2024-12-10 20:24
Average keys p/s: 0.14
Average clicks p/s: 0.05
Referrals: 0
Keys: 86,402nd
Clicks: 108,985th
Mouse Scrolls: 16,164th
Mouse Distance: 14,509th
Download: 52,026th
Upload: 57,406th
Uptime: 114,450th