Pokerface4222 has registered a WhatPulse account on 2019-06-26. Since then, Pokerface4222 has typed 13,138,295 keys, clicked their mouse 5,383,223 times, scrolled 280,319 times, moved their mouse 52.910mi, downloaded 1.97TB, uploaded 1.67TB and has run the WhatPulse client for 33 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 3 minutes, 59 seconds.
Pokerface4222 lives in Romania.
Total Pulses: 1,282
Last Pulse: 2023-02-18 21:40
Average keys p/s: 0.08
Average clicks p/s: 0.03
Referrals: 0
Keys: 15,062nd
Clicks: 20,347th
Mouse Scrolls: 15,940th
Mouse Distance: 13,300th
Download: 26,337th
Upload: 7,816th
Uptime: 32,559th
Computer Name | OS | Pulses | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |
Application Name | Time Used | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance |
Time | Computer | OS | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |