Jobeanie123 registered a WhatPulse account on July 20, 2012. Since then, he has typed 67,174,487 keys and clicked 16,717,605 times. In addition, he has downloaded 19.98TB and uploaded 27.59TB. His total uptime of the WhatPulse client is 9 years, 42 weeks, 4 days, 21 hours, 10 minutes, 47 seconds.
Jobeanie123 lives in
United States and is part of team n/a (ranking n/a of n/a within the team). n/a is ranked n/a of all teams by number of keystrokes.
Keys: 67,174,487
Clicks: 16,717,605
Downloaded: 19.98TB
Uploaded: 27.59TB
Uptime: 9y42w4d21h10m47s
Average keys/sec: 0.17
Average keys/min: 10.35
Average keys/hour: 620.76
Average keys/day*: 17,534
Average clicks/sec: 0.04
Average clicks/min: 2.57
Average clicks/hour: 154.49
Average clicks/day*: 4,364
*Average keys per pulse, done every 24 hours
Rankings (From 3,831 pulses)
Keys: 1,092nd
Clicks: 4,357th
Down: 2,566th
Up: 685th
Uptime: 666th
Here is a heatmap of Jobeanie123's keyboard as of May 11, 2014: