Welcome to Jet's WhatPulse Profile!
The spacing and formatting using the editor is so messy (and broken).
I registered on WhatPulse 12 years, 14 weeks, 5 days, 10 hours, 4 minutes, 23 seconds ago!
So that would be on the date 2012-08-14. I've pulsed 18,105 times as of 2024-11-22 08:33.
MY TOTAL STATISTICSThe totals of all my WhatPulse statistics, including rank.
Keyboard: 40,223,688.....(3,091st)
Clicks: 33,867,980.....(1,074th)
Uptime: 10y9w5d16m31s.....(596th)
Upload: 3.12TB.....(4,544th)
Download: 17.60TB.....(3,018th)
AVERAGES PER PULSEMy averages for each pulse updated.
Keys Per Pulse: 2,222 (0.1p/s) 6.23kp/m ----- 373.82kp/h
Clicks Per Pulse: 1,871 (0.09p/s) 5.25cp/m ----- 314.75cp/h
There are 27 others participating for Aland.
AX Keyboard: 286,753,423.....(79th)
AX Clicks:178,570,112.....(73rd)
AX Uptime:42y35w4d10h27m17s.....(68th)
AX Upload: 617.42TB.....(37th)
AX Download:179.10TB.....(61st)
TEAM STATISTICS -- n/aI don't know why this is here. It'll be useful some day...
(n/a) was created in n/a. There are n/a in n/a (n/a). I'm ranked n/a.
Keyboard: n/a.....n/a
Clicks: n/a.....n/a
Uptime: n/a.....n/a
Upload: n/a.....n/a
Download: n/a.....n/a