Dokter Computer Your accountname
2005-05-16 The date you joined
Netherlands Your country The name of the team you\'re in
23862 The ID of the team you\'re in Your homepage
50,000 The keys of your last pulse
20,387 The clicks of your last pulse 2015-06-03 09:35 The time and date of your last pulse
22,810,081 Your total keys
5,140,883 Your total clicks
%TotalMiles% Your total miles
7,560th Your rank
0.04 Your average keys per second
0.01 Your average clicks per second
2.22 Your average keys per minute
0.5 Your average clicks per minute
133.26 Your average keys per hour
30.03 Your average clicks per hour
888 Total ammount of pulses
25,687 Average keys per pulse
5,789 Average clicks per pulse
1st Your rank in your team
2nd The rank of your country
19y28w21h24m34s How long ago you joined
0 Amount of people you referred to WhatPulse