DieFault. has registered a WhatPulse account on 2022-04-22. Since then, DieFault. has typed 16,050,427 keys, clicked their mouse 3,816,120 times, scrolled 1,904,208 times, moved their mouse 404.264mi, downloaded 2.98TB, uploaded 482.73GB and has run the WhatPulse client for 30 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes, 39 seconds.
DieFault. lives in Bangladesh.
Total Pulses: 1,265
Last Pulse: 2024-12-21 01:00
Average keys p/s: 0.19
Average clicks p/s: 0.05
Referrals: 0
Keys: 11,967th
Clicks: 28,535th
Mouse Scrolls: 6,576th
Mouse Distance: 2,453rd
Download: 19,139th
Upload: 19,112th
Uptime: 35,402nd
Time | Computer | OS | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |