HI there! I'm Chezzy! Nice to meet you! This is my WhatPulse account. c:
I joined on 2013-09-15. Here are my stats to date!
Current Stats
Total Keys Pressed: 59,474,066
Total Mouse Clicks: 9,558,484
Traffic downloaded: 8.62TB
Traffic uploaded: 3.37TB
Client uptime: 3 years, 44 weeks, 17 hours, 5 minutes, 39 seconds.
Total Pulse Count: 1,352
Last Pulse Time: 2020-02-18 02:10
Average keys per second: 0.17
Average clicks per second: 0.03
I'm representing Japan in the leaderboards!
Keys: 1,475th
Clicks: 10,339th
Download: 7,176th
Upload: 4,364th
Uptime: 4,113th
Computer Name | OS | Pulses | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |