CharlieStaniforth has registered a WhatPulse account on 2014-07-09. Since then, CharlieStaniforth has typed 6,312 keys, clicked their mouse 6,259 times, scrolled 0 times, moved their mouse None, downloaded 0.00MB, uploaded 0.00MB and has run the WhatPulse client for 17 hours, 30 minutes, 38 seconds.
CharlieStaniforth lives in United Kingdom. The homepage for this user is at
Total Pulses: 2
Last Pulse: 2014-07-11 18:48
Average keys p/s: 0
Average clicks p/s: 0
Referrals: 0
Keys: 247,736th
Clicks: 243,273rd
Mouse Scrolls: n/a
Mouse Distance: n/a
Download: n/a
Upload: n/a
Uptime: 203,804th
Computer Name | OS | Pulses | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |
Application Name | Time Used | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance |
Time | Computer | OS | Keys | Clicks | Scrolls | Distance | Download | Upload | Uptime |