I joined WhatPulse on 2009-07-03, which is 15y26w6d22h15m14s.
I am ranked 5,936th.
I have pressed a total of 27,179,173 keys.
I've made a total of 5,382,487 clicks on my mouse.
I have uploaded 8.60TB, downloaded 11.36TB, and managed an uptime of 51w2d6h31m48s
I have made a total of 8,429 pulses, and my last pulse was on 2019-10-06 02:21.
I am part of the WhatNET WhatPulse team. The team ID is 10554.
I am ranked 11th on the team.
You can find my personal website, here: ZackCarbon.com
You're also welcome to stalk me on Twitter.