|}Wes{| has been a participant since 2007-02-11 (17y41w2d17h44m24s), and in that time has typed 42,251,379, clicked 29,685,808 times and moved his mouse for %TotalMiles% miles. Averaging 0.08 keys and 0.05 clicks per second, 4.52 keys and 3.17 clicks per minute, 271.06 keys and 190.45 clicks per hour, and 3,408 keys and 2,395 clicks per pulse. This user last sent a pulse to this server on 2024-10-04 22:10 and has sent a total of 12,396 pulses overall. |}Wes{| lives in the United States
This user is in team Fuck You and is ranked 1st in that team.