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WhatPulse Forums

Β· One min read
Martijn Smit

As the one time licensing fee for vBulletin is US$160 we are asking anyone with the means who is willing and able to make a small contribution please do so.

If we could just get $1 from 160 people we’re there! πŸ˜€

Please click the PayPal button to your right β€” β€” β†’

The forums will be back up by the end of the week

Thank you so much in advance!!

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics


Counting: USD $22,35 sofar.


Update: Forums are back up, all data recovered, so no posts are lost thankfully. Wasted generously bought the license by himself, and restored the forums to their old state.

Don’t let him wind up for all the costs though, support him! πŸ˜€