Ergonomics and Health Monitoring

Stay healthy during those long computer sessions with WhatPulse's smart features.

As a professional, it's likely you spend the majority of your working life in front of a computer screen. Technology has moved fast, and employees have adapted to the changing digital landscape. But that has come at the cost of ergonomics and healthy working.

Without proper focus on your health during work, you can find yourself in more pain at the end of your working day than someone who has a much more manual labour involved in their role.

WhatPulse helps you keep track of your workplace health and ergonomics with useful features including an alert system for excessive typing or mouse usage, analysis of your usage patterns and tips for healthy computer usage habits.

How WhatPulse helps


Alerts for excessive typing or mousing

Typing or clicking at an excessive rate for extended periods can cause injury and over time cause repetitive strain injury (RSI) or tendonitis.

WhatPulse has a built-in Milestones feature, letting you set up alerts for when you type a certain amount of keys, clicks or uptime. This cuts down on excessive computer usage and reminds you to have a short break, slow down a bit and be more productive in the long-term.

Ammars story

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Ammar found that his excessive computer usage led to tendonitis and eventually myopathy. With a WhatPulse Premium membership, Ammar was able to access features, such as advanced exporting of his keystroke and mouse click data, to let him better understand his computing habits, make changes, and improve his health.

I started inputting the total keys into a spreadsheet every day to compare my usage over time, but it was a lot of work and I wanted an easier method. That's where WhatPulse's export wizard helped me. It can export the usage grouped by different periods and I can go as granular as per hour.


WhatPulse Premium member

Usage Patterns Analysis

Usage Patterns Analysis

WhatPulse shows you your usage patterns and by understanding them, you can see if there is enough variety in how you do your work to reduce the chance of an injury like RSI.

WhatPulse also lets you export your data using a wizard, letting you deep-dive into your personal patterns to spot health improving opportunities.

Not only does this analysis spotlight potential health improving opportunities, but it also encourages a more balanced and varied work approach. Whether it's rearranging your tasks, modifying your work schedule, or introducing new practices, these insights are invaluable for creating a healthier, more dynamic work environment.

Stay happy, healthy and productive with the work you do with WhatPulse.